ToosShekan Khorasan

The largest producer of industrial and semi –industrial grinding machines.


An introduction to ToosShekan Khorasan co.

ToosShekan Khorasan co. has started its activities in the early 1980s and over three decades of efforts in the field of design and manufacturing various types of industrial grinding machines such as: paddle grinder, pinmill, blade-hammer, oil extracting machine, mixer and granulator, the company has been able to gain an important contribution to the domestic market.

It is a great honor that ToosShekan Khorasan always be able to aim customer satisfaction and meeting the needs of industries and society.

In this regard the company has emphasized continuously on using expert workforce, experienced designers and consultants, and high quality consuming materials to accompany consumers to get desired goal.

Hoping that employers specially food industry practitioners and tradition medicine producers, take important steps in significant improvements in the national and global arena.




Javad jazab: Managing Director and Privatization Officer Toos Shakir Khorasan



Hossein Balpour: Marketing and Sales Management

Master’s Degree:



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